Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Puffs

Oh the wonderful things that my daughter's hair has afforded me. Lots of laughs when she wakes up from her nap looking like Einstein, grumbles (from me) when I'm trying to comb through the tangles, and countless Frankensteinian experiments with needless to say "interesting" products.

I've loved what I call Cocoa puffs forever, not the cereal, the hair! Since before I was married I thought they were adorable. It was just today, as I was searching for examples that I realized they're more commonly called Afro Puffs, either way, they're cute. This is what they look like full on:

We have a couple of very curly-haired girls in our mom's group and I figured once Avery got much older her hair would be able to create this fun coif. I guess I just thought her hair was too short.

Once again Avery's hair surprised me as I experimented yet again trying to put it in puffs I realized it was long enough to make some smaller pufflets. Here are some pictures of my work. I'm sure it'll become straighter and more perfected with time, so cut me some slack :)

I leave you with this song from the movie "Big."

Shimmy shimmy coco pop
Shimmy shimmy rock
Shimmy shimmy coco pop
Shimmy shimmy rock

I met a girlfriend
Named Triscuit
She said:
A Triscuits a biscuit

Ice cream
Soda pop
Vanilla on the top
Ooh shal-i-da

Walking down the street
Ten times a week
I meant it, I said it
I stole my Momma's credit

I'm cool
I'm hot
Sock you in the stomach...
Three more times (Repeat x3)...


Amy Clary said...

That is the cutest, stinkin' hairdo! You know what's funny? I have naturally curly hair and I have toddler pic of myself with quite a similar hairdo. :) Too cute!

Blake, Nicole, Maddie, Quinn and Paisley said...

Very cute!! We attempt "piggies" ourselves but they usually only last 5 minutes (if that) before she pulls them out!

MommyB said...

I started putting things in Aves hair (not the HUGE bows) since day 1 so I guess she's used to it. Luckily she has a good amount of hair.

bpayne said...

lol you crack me up. I love the puffs by the way. They really suit miss Aves....and I knew you were going to blog this! Get a job lol.

MommyB said...

I need to do some funny writing from home and get paid :)

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