Bows and Tutus Oh MY!

Avery got some very cute bows and tutus from a great woman who hand makes them. She has a wonderful shop that we just love. Check out Ava's Kloset.

Of course Avery had to hang out in the backyard with her fun tutu. We found out that this is a multi-purpose tutu and actually acts as a bug catcher as well. Whoda thunk?!?!

Luckily the bows come in a number of sizes, I think the baby bows would have been eaten up by Avery's hair :)

What's a princess with every single bow and tutu on all at the same time??? Ah I can't wait for the days of Avery completely wanting to dress herself. That will be interesting!


Sarah Marie said...

I've been watching "Toddlers and Tiaras" on the Discovery Channel and I definitely think you should enter Avery in a beauty contest. That gal is gorgeous!

MommyB said...

Ha ha yeah I'm a little scared of those moms though....

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