Bullock Visit May '09

In honor of Avery turning the big 0-2. Her Grandmom and Papa came down from Virginia to visit and spend some time with us.

It was obviously a tiring drive becasue Papa fell asleep. Who is this woman he's snuggling with? Oh don't worry it's only Avery's Dora pillow. He felt right at home.

Avery had a blast with Grandmom as they played with her stuffed animals, dress up toys and kitchen set. Avery's such a good hostess she even made grandmom some yummy brownies to snack on.

Avery got a lot of nice presents from Papa and Grandmom which included, but are not limited to some great books, lots of clothes, and..... one of her favorites, which she had to try on immediately, her red Dora shirt. If she could wear this shirt everyday she would.

Papa and Grandmom chipped in for Avery's big gift, which is her awesome outdoor play house. As seen below:

And Papa even went a step beyond and helped Joel put it all together for Avery to play with right away.

Unfortunately the Bullocks weren't able to stay for Avery's birthday party because of work, but we enjoyed our time with them and can't wait to see them again in July!!


Sarah Marie said...

Avery's house is too cute! And you all look too cute in it! She looks like such a little lady with that pink hat on.

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