Avery's New Do

Joel and I had been talking about getting Avery's lovely locks trimmed and hadn't picked a date to go. So, yesterday as a spur-of-the-moment trip we decided we'd go get the "fro" tamed.

I had been referred to Doolittles, Crewcuts and Pigtails and Snip-its but didn't know where to go. With Avery's hair being above average I was nervous that we'd find someone who knew how to cut curly hair. Each time I called a salon they would tell me all of their stylists could cut curly hair, and maybe they could, but that's not what I wanted to hear. I wanted names, names I tell ya!!

So I made up my mind and decided we'd try out Snip-Its in Huntersville (they're a chain too.) As we walked into the Wonka/Seussish salon I think we were all pretty enamoured. We got there just in time to see LaMonica (and Snips too.)

Meet Snips, the Salon "mascot" if you will. Avery said, "He's not real," in an effort to convince herself that he wasn't going to chase her around the room.

Avery did a great job sitting still while she got her locks clipped. She watched a few movies, LaMonica kept her engaged, and she even got a yummy watermelon sucker.

Typically at Snip-Its the girls get an "extra" for free, often a braid and a couple of clips in their hair. So when the stylist asked if it was okay for Avery to have a couple of braids I was up for it. Little did I know that she was going to do all of Avery's hair. How sweet was that??? Avery loved her princess look that was topped off with three plastic butterfly clips.

It was totally worth the cost of going to a fun place. Avery loved it, we had a great experience and they even gave us Avery's hair clippings and a certificate for her first salon haircut. Each kid also gets a card they put in this fun machine and out pops a kids toy! How cool is that!! I think I may start getting my hair cut at Snip-its too!

We got a lot of great tips on how to care for her hair. Now if I could only learn how to braid Avery's hair we'd be set!


Unknown said...

I love her hair in braids...so sweet! What a brave girl! I remember my mom trying to do cornrows on a little girl that visited our family in the summer (in association with the Fresh Air Fund). Took her so long, LaKeisha fell asleep at the table. I'm sure you'll learn and become a pro! And then have many more ways to make Avery cuter than she already is!!!

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