Guess Who's.....

... gonna be a big sister???? It's Avery!!!

She doesn't know what her shirt says because even at 2 she's already "spilled many other beans". But this picture sure looks like she knows what she's in for!

Joel and I decided we wanted to start trying a little after Avery turned 2 in hopes that she'll be potty trained and ready for a big girl room by the time the baby was to come.

God has really blessed us with this new pregnancy and we're praying for a healthy 7 months.

I have a new ob/gyn this time around and everyone at the office seems great so far. I've heard some amazing things about them.

Joel was fortunate enough to be able to take off work to come with me and we brought Avery too. We headed to the ultrasound room first and as soon as Avery saw the big screen TV she spouted, "Dora." I just laughed and told her I didn't think they got Dora on that TV.

Joel and I were both excited to see a little heart beating right as the technician turned on the video. Even though this is our second time experiencing all of this I feel like it's just as exciting as when we were expecting Avery. We got a couple of pictures of baby Bullock #2 that we want to share with you:

The Nurse Practitioner, (who we saw for our appointment,) said everything looked great so that was a great relief. We went over testing options and talked about normal pregnancy issues and topics and felt great about how things looked.

Our due date is April 1, 2010 and we can't wait to see how things pregnancy goes. So far it's been a very different pregnancy with nausea, being uber hungry, and a little more tired since I'm chasing after a toddler this time around. I haven't had much heartburn like with Avery but we'll see how that goes as I grow.

We're very excited to share our news with you and will continue to update as the baby grows and fun things come.


Jennifer said...

Oh my, oh my .... just logging onto your blog - A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! How wonderful!! I was wondering when we'd be hearing this news. I can't believe there are no other comments??!!! Happy growing!

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