Bye bye Trimester

Today marks the last day of my first trimester and the first day of my second trimester. Hooray for several reasons. One being that my nausea has lessened and there are even some days I don't want to eat a #1,#2,#3 AND #4 all in one sitting. Seriously, I'm not joking!

Another fun part of this trimester is that we get to find out the gender of our little bean. Now if you know us well I'm super planner lady and my husband, well secrets and surprises just kill him. See several of our holiday posts for the phrase "he wanted to open presents early," and you'll know just what I mean.

I even told him about Intelligender, which is a urine test you can take to give you the gender of your baby, it's said to be 82% to 90% accurate when used as early as 6 weeks into your pregnancy. Well I think secretly he may try to dip the cup in the toilet just to find out before me.

I'm definitely feeling boy this time around and Joel, well he doesn't have a guess yet. Avery often refers to the baby as he or her brother, but there are moments when she will say she or sister, but she's excited either way. Lately, she's been reading to the baby, "Once upon a time," she says, and she's been rubbing and kissing my belly. It's actually very heart-melting and warming at the same time.

I'm getting a small belly already as you can see. I figure the shirt I had for Avery, "Coming This Spring," works perfect for this little one as well. And I may just wear this shirt for each belly pic, I promise to wash it though!

Right now our little one is about the size of a lime and growing nails on their fingers and toes. I'm excited to grow and grow and finally see what this little one will look like. It will be neat to see their personality as well since we know we already have one fun-filled little girl.

Next month I go in for early gestational diabetes testing because it runs in my family, but I have a feeling all will be well. We'll keep you posted as this little one grows.


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Awesome!! :) Looking good, girlie!! :D

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