Are you Sure????

So the baby is officially a girl. Or is it???

Joel, Avery and I went to the ultrasound appointment and got to see our little one during a much anticipated visit. This was the day we'd find out the gender of this little one growing inside me. We saw all of the babies body parts, head, arms, legs, feet, hands, and the technician said the baby is growing at the perfect size for how far along the pregnancy is. Hooray!!!

We got to see the little one with their arm propping up their head, just like their Daddy and sister. My two love to sleep in the craziest of positions.

During our check of body parts and health the tech went to check out the gender for us since we absolutely wanted to know. This little baby decided they wanted to play shy. With it's feet crossed AND the umbilical cord in the way this baby made it very hard for us to see anything. Since the baby was in a very difficult spot in my womb it was even worse. So we decided to check other things out in hopes the baby would change position, during the course of our visit I laid on my side, did pelvic thrusts (yes that's right pelvic thrusts,) and the technician apologetically but painfully prodded my belly with the equipment, trying to shake the baby around so we could get a peek.

Eventually we all got a very brief (if you ask me, not so convincing) look at the baby parts and we sort of concluded that it was a girl. The technician said no test is 100%, which I think they all say, just in case. When I asked her if we should tell people the gender she said, "Yes, go ahead and tell people it's a girl."

Really?!?! I was convinced it was a boy. I'm also the type of person that likes to know things like oh the gender of my baby for sure, or at least more than a quick glimpse. Even the photo of the ultrasound is very questionable. So, I'm in search of a 3d/4d ultrasound to confirm.

Either way though we have a beautiful healthy baby that is very active rolling around and kicking throughout the day and we are very blessed. We have started to look at girl names and will not be sharing the name with anyone, we decided it would be fun to keep that a secret until the baby is born :) How exciting. So we'll update again after our next ultrasound but for now we're going with girl.


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