Avery the Love Bug

Well she's either a Love Bug or a beautiful pink butterfly, I'm not sure but whatever it is she's suuuuuuuuuuuper cute! Avery had a blast again this year trick-or-treating. She was so excited to dress up, not to mention I was happy getting 40% off her costume, just for being patient :)

Avery loved saying, "trick-or-treat," and opening her Dora bag for candy. My favorite part was when she thanked the candy givers and just stood there. I think she may have been waiting for more candy, hilarious! We enjoyed our family outing and even survived a small sprinkle while we were out. Surprisingly we were out for about an hour, maybe it seemed longer because I'm pregnant now, or because it was dark out, but it was a lot of fun seeing the neighbors and having them dote on our little girl too ;) What mom doesn't love compliments on their kid??!?!

After our round of trick-or-treating Avery of course dumped out her bag of goodies and ate two yummy pieces of Halloween booty. One of our other favorites of the night was handing out candy. Avery helped Joel give the kids candy.

Complete side bar: Why do kids these days feel like they don't have to dress up for Halloween or wear their regular clothes and say they're a thug, or a kid?? What happened to creativity or even the cheapo costumes with the plastic masks? ARG!!! Pet peeve.

Anyway for the lovely children who decided to stumble upon our doorstep lacking Halloween type apparel, we decided that this year they would need to do a silly dance if they wanted candy. I felt like a judge on So You Think You Can Dance. Some of these kiddos really went all out, I think I even saw a moon walk. Is it sad that I would prefer dancing to costumes...hmmm I need to think of a way to franchise a holiday where kids dance for candy, sponsored by Hershey, and Mars ;)

All in all I think this year so far has been the best Halloween for Avery. Since I missed posting here are some pictures of our carved pumpkins and yummy roasted pumpkin seeds.

Above photo taken before I broke the knife off inside the biggest pumpkin, oops!!

Yummy Pumpkin Seeds!

Happy Halloween


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