Happy 30th Birthday Jenn!

Jenn Turns the Big 3-0
Today, Jenn turns 30. She was treated to a fun afternoon with her girls including lunch and some pampering with a manicure and pedicure. Avery and I made her a card and then tonight we took her out to eat. I hope she had a great day today. 30's not so bad.

Happy Birthday Jenn!


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Happy Birthday, girlfriend!!! :D

How was it? Turning 30 was actually a little easier for me than I thought..... But boy, the months BEFORE that.... I wasn't so sure.... I kept trying to talk the hubby into "letting me" stay 29. He didn't fall for it. ;)

MommyB said...

Ha ha thanks!! Too funny. I actually am not a huge age person, it's never bothered me, but being pregnant and emotional this year did not help since I'm not feeling so much Jenn rather than mommy/wife/host. But overall it was a good one and I have a lot to be thankful for :)

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Yay! :) Glad it was good!! :)

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