The Many Styles

The Many Styles of Avery B. Well not so much her styles but the styles of her hair. I used to pray that her short somewhat wavy hair would be long enough for me to do something with it and now that it's not a mini-fro anymore, actually it's an entity of it's own sometimes, I can do more with it.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, are the Many Styles of Avery B.....

The side puff

The multi-braid

The double shimmy shimmy Coco Puffs

The "I-just-woke-up" Fro

The side braid-half up

Mom's too tired to do my hair so I'll wear a hat instead

The braided beauty

We hope you've enjoyed the viewing of the Avery's styles and plan on having more to come with Avery and probably once little Colbie has long enough hair her too!


Art Teacher said...

I L-O-V-E the braids and multi ponies, but the side puff is definitely a runner up!

Mrs. Guthrie said...


Mindy said...

My favorite are the double Cocoa Puffs! Oh, she is just SO cute! I can't wait to meet her little sister! :)

Laura said...

my FAVORITE is definitely double cocoa puffs!

Parkside View said...

absolutely adorable!

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