What's in a Name?

We originally decided that since we found out and told everyone the gender of this baby that it would be fun to keep the name a secret. Well, it's hard for us Bullocks to keep things from our family and friends. As of two days ago we picked a name and decided that it was a definite for our little baby girl.

Today, we thought it'd be a nice gift to give our family and friends to announce our name, so we did. We've decided to name baby #2......Colbie Evelyn Bullock.

There it is folks, not very traditional, but with names like Joel and especially Jennifer we're not ones to give our children "plain" names. Thus was born Avery. We wanted something that would also go along with Avery and our style in general and found Colbie.

Here are some fun facts about the name.

Colbie is a female English name originating from the name Colby. It is typically a boys name, but has become a girls name as well. The name means dark or dark hair, which I'm sure our little one, if anything like Avery, will have dark hair, and lots of it (although I've had considerably less heartburn with this pregnancy.) Famous Colbies: Colbie Caillat, (our daughter was not named after this pop singer.)

Evelyn is in honor of some of the women in our lives. Three ladies including Joel's grandmother that passed this past March, Joel's mom's middle name, and my grandmother's middle name are all Evelyn. So we thought it would be appropriate as a middle name for our little one.

Avery is having fun pronouncing "Sissy's" name and often says, "Her name is sissy," and gets mad whenever we say otherwise. Too cute!!
I think for a lot of people since it's not something that you automatically hear, (is very uncommon) that it will take a while for it to grow on people, but we love it and are excited to meet our little bundle in March!!

So Merry Christmas to you and yours. May your New Year be blessed as well.

 Joel, Jenn, Avery and Colbie Bullock


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Aw!! :) That is a FANTASTIC name!! Love it!! :) Can't wait for more updates! :)

Hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas!! Happy New Year! :)

Laura said...


Art Teacher said...

I think that is an adorable name and I'm so glad that you decided to share it!

Unknown said...

Very sweet name! Praying the rest of your pregnancy goes well!

BTW, I just realized that your blog was not listed on my blog list anymore...maybe it got removed when I changed the background. You're back on now :) !!!

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