4 Days and Finger Paint

Wow where has the time gone? In August we were announcing that we were going to be parents again, and now we have 4 more days until baby Colbie makes her entrance into the world. We've been trying to make sure the house is clean and as organized as possible to make bringing home baby less stressful.

We've also been trying to have fun and enjoy being a family of three. We had out last dinner out the other night, and Avery has been tearing off paper chain links since 15 days before Colbie's birth day. Can you believe we're already down to 4???

Avery counting the remaining chains on her "Days until Colbie is born" chain.

One of my great photographer friends did a shoot with another mommy and her son painted her belly during the photoshoot. So I stole this idea. I thought Avery would have a blast with it and it would be a good memory for when Avery and Colbie are older. Although I'm not sure Colbie will appreciate being painted.

Avery was very precise and the paint was a little cold

I got smacked with two little hands to create fun purple/pink handprints. What a great masterpiece.

And voila, Avery's masterpiece (and Daddy drew a little heart in the middle) We're very excited for Colbie to come join our family. And we get to meet her on Friday. Please pray for the doctors performing the c-section and hopefully a healthy baby and easy recovery from my two surgeries.

Here comes Colbie Evelyn Bullock!!!


Kelly W said...

How adorable!!! Love it, and you look AMAZING Jenn!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Love it!! Praying for you today for plenty of rest and peace and that all the little things you might remember today will be easily accomplished. :) Definitely praying for you tomorrow!!! :D

Lots of love!! :)

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