2 Weeks 2 Girls

Wow has time really flown, we only have 2 more weeks until Colbie joins the Bullock family. It's insane this time around how fast things have gone and before we know it we'll be a family of four.

We've been preparing for Colbie's arrival setting up friends and family to come help us with Avery and recovery in general and my mom's group has amazingly offered to make some meals for our family as well. Again, super blessed.

Well, what have we been up to??

Recently I became a member of our church, Christ Community Church because I know it will be much harder to attend the 3.5 hour session once little girl comes. I've also been trying to make sure all closets, pantry, storage areas, and rooms are as organized as possible. I can be particular in the way I want things but it really does help save me time and energy if I know where everything is or can at least describe it to others.

All the baby clothes are washed and it really is crazy holding them up and being reminded of baby Avery. It seems like so long ago!!

Not only are we trying to get ready for Colbie, but I'm trying to do a few things to prepare for Easter and Avery's 3rd birthday because again, I know it will be much harder once the baby is here. We will definitely not be holding one of our huge kid birthday parties this year, but I think Avery will have a blast regardless. I still can't believe she'll be 3 although at times she acts much older.

Avery has been a computer wiz these days, she loves Sprout Online and Hooked on Phonics and is able to use the mousepad and type all by herself. We're very impressed, then again look at her web daddy and blogging parents :)

We can't believe in just 2 weeks we'll have 2 little girls!!

Enjoy a few new pictures:

My oh, so handsome husband!

The Bullock Girls 


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Aw! Great pics!! :) TWO WEEKS!! :) So exciting!! :)

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