It all began....

on a stormy night. Okay just kidding, that's not really how the story of Colbie's birth went, but it sounds a lot more dramatic. Here's what really happened, if you're up for the full read.

Because Avery was an "emergency" or unplanned c-section, health reasons, timing, and many other factors Joel and I had decided that a scheduled c-section was the best option to deliver Colbie. Some of my mom friends said they had to wait until it was the same month as their due date to even talk about the date, but luckily our practitioner let us schedule a couple of months in advance. Of course with scheduling the c-section they want the baby to "bake" as long as possible so they scheduled me at 39 weeks and 1 day.

Now if you know me at all you know I was incredibly relieved because I am such a planner, of course my child's welfare comes first but it really helped to know when we would welcome our newest little girl into the world so we could make sure Avery was well taken care of and we had everything in order. My one worry though was that Colbie would make her appearance earlier than the scheduled date, especially since I had heard from a few mommas who had scheduled c-sections that their children just couldn't wait.

Lucky for us Colbie decided that she would wait on us. After a long week of getting the house cleaned and organized, (so we would have little to do when we got home) and having our friend Noele come over the night before to watch Avery the day of surgery we were ready for baby!

Having a scheduled c-section is sort of like Christmas Eve, it's the night before you get an amazing present and it's so hard to even think about sleeping. I went to bed around 11:pm and woke up at least 5 times and checked in on Avery, hoping and praying we were making the right decision, although at that point it would have been a little late to go backwards.

I finally got dressed and ready at 5:00 am, got Joel up, and since I couldn't eat we grabbed the hospital bags and headed to the hospital. Joel had mentioned how seldom the two of us rode together alone and I was thinking how we'd be coming back home with another little one.

We arrived at the hospital and checked in with the maternity ward, got everything settled in my room, and then the nurses attempted to hook me up to monitoring. As usual, little Miss Colbie, who has never liked the ultrasounds or sonogram machines, was giving the nurses a hard time and moving around so much it was difficult to get her heartbeat but I felt her moving around a ton so I knew she was just fine. I think her due date really is going to be reflective of her personality, little miss April Fools.

After hooking me up we filled out paperwork, met the very dry and sort of scary anesthesiologist,  and finally got poked at least 5 times trying to get an IV in me, but was told "You're doing so well sweetie," I made sure that nurse told all the other nurses what a good patient I was. :)

I went to the bathroom and when I came out Dr. Vuong was super excited to see me and have a brief talk about the surgery with me, this really helped because I was a little nervous, being that last c-section I was in pain and the medication was a relief, and this time I was feeling just fine and wasn't sure about needles etc.

Hubby suited up, and looked oh so handsome ;) and I got my beautiful cap on and we were ready to become parents, again.

After walking into the OR I got my spinal (pain medication), definitely jumped a little but if you ask me I did pretty well considering. I remember how it seemed like there were a million different things going on all at once. After getting the medicine and laying down on the table, being prepped, Joel finally was allowed in and the operation began. This time around my teeth did NOT chatter from the anesthesia, which I was hoping for. I did have a few moments where it was hard to breathe, when they were pushing to get to Colbie but other than that the surgery went pretty well.

My favorite moment and a moment I had really fought for was when the doctors held Colbie over the drape to show her to me. Of course writing this now is making me teary, but it was amazing, my first glimpse of my new baby girl. For some reason, non-health related, the doctors in Virginia did not show Avery to me right away and after watching countless baby shows on TLC I felt like I was being cheated, so I made sure Joel, the nurses, and the doctors knew I wanted to see Colbie. Here she is making her debut, hello world!

After that things were somewhat a blur, either because my eyes were teary, I was sleepy from the drugs, or because so much was going on. But I did get to hear her weight and see from the corner of my eye Colbie getting cleaned up. I just kept staring at Joel saying how much I loved him and was truly happy. Our family of 4 was now complete.

The first picture of the three of us

Overall this second time around has been easier to recover and being a mommy to a newborn again. I'm sure part of it has to do with my previous experience, but also we had really great care at the hospital and all of the nurses were great, some were amazing, but there wasn't one that I didn't like. The facilities were outstanding as well.

Colbie was an easy baby, loved her hair being washed, and we enjoyed lots of family and friends who came to visit. Luckily my mom and sister were able to come and stay with Avery and keep her company while we were in the hospital, I don't know what I would have done without them.

Avery loved meeting her little sister for the first time ever and called her, "My Colbie." When I saw them together all my fears of Avery getting jealous or feeling left out totally went out the window. My heart melted because Avery gave such gentle care and was wholeheartedly excited and in love with Colbie, again making me a little teary as I write. I can't wait to see their relationship flourish!

Here are a couple more pictures from our stay at the hospital.

The Bullock Family

The Bullock Girls


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