Home Sweet Home

Originally my obstetrician wanted to keep me in the hospital until Monday, but I was doing such a great job recovering that I convinced her to let us out (me and Colbie), a day early. So, just like when I had my c-section with Avery I was out of the hospital in 48 hours. I really was feeling pretty good, getting around much better than my first c-section so I was prepared to go home, although I really did love my nurses and the facilities at Presbyterian Huntersville.

Here we are, the three of us, ready to go home.

For those of you who know me well you know I'm not really the type that likes to sit and be waited on. When I had Avery I put a lot of expectations on myself and with a 3 level townhouse at the time, overdid it between the stairs and just not resting enough. Rest is important for recovering from major surgery and I vowed to Joel, my family, friends and mostly myself that I would relax more this time and allow people to help.

So far friends and family have been awesome and have lined up meals and visits. Not having to cook for a couple of weeks is going to be heaven. My mom and sister came down to stay with us for a couple of days, mainly to take care of Avery but it was nice to see them the day before they had to head back to New York. They took Avery to Build-A-Bear to make a bear for her little sister and visited me while I was in the hospital, my mom even stayed with me for a few hours one night so Joel could get some rest. When I got home from the hospital, I saw signs and balloons adorning the front of our house and mailbox, it was a great welcome, what a sweet gesture! I was sad to see them go because I had not been able to spend much time with them, but hopefully they'll be down again this month.

Joel's parents also came down the first week in April to meet Baby Colbie and help us out too. Joel's mom was wonderful and made us a couple of delicious meals and I even let her clean up (again so not me,) but she washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen and even folded some of our washed laundry, I never thought I would enjoy someone else cleaning for us, but with recovering it was such a blessing! Joel's dad brought us a "new" riding lawnmower since Joel's electric mower died and we really needed one. He also helped us build a new gate because, well, when the guys measured over the phone, before his parents came to visit, there was some miscommunication and our current gate ended up being too small to fit the mower. Avery loved getting a ride with daddy with the "mower-cycle," as she called it.

So far we're enjoying being home, Colbie has been sleeping a lot just like in the hospital, but has a few awake moments. Avery is getting adjusted to our normal schedule and mommy and daddy are learning our own parenting schedule between our two beautiful girls. Home Sweet Home!


Pam said...

You have a beautiful family! I'm a nurse in the ED at Presby Huntersville. It really is a great hospital. The labor and delivery unit has a wonderful reputation. Congratualtions on your newest arrival. She is beautiful.

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