
Everyone knows it doesn't have to be the month of November or even Thanksgiving Day to be Thankful in their lives, I am truly blessed that God has chosen me to be the mommy to these two beautiful, amazing, delightful little girls.

There are some things in life that just can't be captured with a camera or words and for those memories God gave us minds. Unforuntately even those, with time I'm afraid will not preserve my exact memories. And no matter how hard I try to grasp those memories I know they too will slip away.

So, I'm enjoying every moment. From the smell of Colbie's hair after bath, to going into their rooms each night to make sure they're safe and sound, watching them laugh and smile at each other because they love their sister, the feel of Avery's crazy wonderful hair and deciding each day what new fun thing to do with it, the delight in Avery's eyes when I ask her to help me in the kitchen, and the giggles from baby Colbie as I tickle her tummy.

Nothing can compare, I'm so thankful for those moments, so thankful that I am able to stay at home with my little ones, I get those moments, to hold onto, to cherish, to smile and cry about, at least for a little while. So here's to my girls, my beautiful little girls, they're so different and unique and I love you both with all of my heart!


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