What day is today??

Today is Avery's due date. This is the date the doctor's predicted that she may join our family. I was hoping that I might have her before now. I'm not really hating pregnancy, it's more that I am so excited to meet my little girl. It's hard to imagine all of the things we have, the swing, the pack-n-play, the crib, and bassinet, with a little baby in them. I wonder what she'll look like and how big she will be.

I hope that she decides to come out before too long. The doctors said if I did not have her before Monday, May 21st then that will be my next visit with them and that I am on an induction wait list for the 24th. So this will determine if she is a Taurus or a Gemini. Hopefully I will be able to announce Avery's birth before then but if not stay tuned.


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