False Alarm

Zero Days to go

I really thought I would have Avery before my due date. I was actually hoping at this point as I was pretty done with being pregnant. I went back and forth on my decision but I finally decided that my due date would be my last day working at Windsor before my maternity leave. It's a good thing too. That night my lower back was aching quite a bit and I was experiencing small contractions. These contractions did not feel like the Braxton Hicks/practice contractions I'd had throughout my pregnancy. The contractions were not getting closer together or more intense so I tried to get some sleep.

The next morning

After Joel went to work I still wasn't feeling quite right. I called the doctor's office to see what they thought or recommended. Thinking they would just tell me over the phone everything was normal and that I was fine. Nope, one of the nurses called back and told me to head to the hospital. At that point I was freaking out a little bit, I was very nervous and not knowing what to expect. I called Joel to let him know I was going in and I think he was a mix of nervous and excited as we had to send my mom directions and he still had some work to finish up before Avery was born.

Welcome to Inova Fairfax

As I was getting ready to head to the hospital I got a call from my friend Colleen, who I was supposed to hang out with. She called and I told her I was headed over and she said she would meet me there. When I got to the hospital I saw Colleen in the waiting room. I didn't really know the situation or what would happen if I was in labor so she waited as I checked in to triage.

I filled out a bunch of paperwork, still very nervous and scared more than anything, and then went back to the area I would spend about 2 hours at. The nurses hooked me up to a monitor to check vitals for baby and I and also contractions. At that point I wasn't really contracting. Doctor Barry came in to check me and said there was no progress. Avery was still sitting high and no dilation. I was sad and relieved at the same time.

They noticed Avery's heartbeat was a little slow, and I later found out this was because I had not really eaten anything for breakfast. I read somewhere if you think you are in labor it is best not to eat before you go in. So they gave me ice chips and juice and kept monitoring Avery. I got a little nervous about Joel still not knowing what was going on, so I called him after about an hour or so and let him know that it was a false alarm. I think he was a little relieved too.

They finally let me out at about 1:00 pm. By then I thought Colleen would have left, but as I went to the waiting room I saw her reading a book, waiting for me. What a great friend. So we went out for a bite to eat. Hoping Avery would still come soon, we decided on Mexican!!!


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