Avery's Here!

Avery was born this morning at 4:41 AM. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 3 oz. She arrived with a healthy cry, but soon after was wide-eyed and very calm. Especially when she found her thumb. Jenn is doing fine. She's resting and everyone will get to come home on Monday or Tuesday.

Here's a synopsis of how everything went:

11:20 PM - While getting settled in bed for the night, Jenn's water suddenly broke.

11:23 PM - We called the OB/GYN. Doctor Maddox told us to go to the hospital.

11:30 PM - We called our parents and get ready to leave.

11:50 PM - We arrived at the hospital.

12:00 - 1:59 AM - The nurses hooked up Jenn to monitoring equipment in the room where the birth was to take place. The top graph showed the baby's heartbeat with the healthy range highlighted in blue. The bottom graph showed Jenn's contractions. Rushel came to the hospital for moral support.

2:00 AM - Dr. Maddox checked on Avery's position. She was head down, but Jenn wasn't dilating. He said we should give it a few hours and if the conditions didn't change we may have to opt for a c-section.

2:01 AM - 4:00 AM - The contractions got more intense and painful as time passed. The nurses told us that Jenn wouldn't get any kind of pain medication until we knew which type of birth she was going to have.

4:01 AM - Finally, Dr. Maddox returned to check Jenn. There was still no progress so we opted to go with the c-section. Jenn was immediately prepped for the operation.

4:41 AM - Avery was born! The first thing I noticed was her dark brown hair. She was screaming and crying as the nurse cleaned her off and weighed her. She was 7 pounds and 3 ounces.

4:55 AM - I called Jenn's Mom and my parents to share the good news. Then, I spent about 20 minutes holding my new daughter in the recovery room while the doctors stitched Jenn up.

5:30 AM - Rushel, Mom, and Hayley were cleared to come up to the recovery room and visit Jenn and Avery.


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