Carolinas here we come!

So it's been a while since we've last posted, but our latest news was our big trip this past weekend. Joel, Avery, Joel's parents and I made a trek down to the Charlotte area of North Carolina.

Day -1
Joel, Avery and I drove down to Joel's parent's house after Joel got home from his last day at PBS. Boy do you realize how much stuff comes with a baby when you travel!! It was a pretty good trip, not much traffic and I sat in back with Avery, just in case she needed something. Once we got to their house Jimmy and Stacy were waiting to see us. Avery was a little sleepy as it was getting past her bedtime so the three of us headed to bed.

Day 1
On the road a little later than we expected, Joel and I followed his parents in the very roomy Sonata. Thank God for the large trunk! We stopped a few times to feed and change Avery and feed ourselves too. The weather was pretty nice though and we made decent time getting in to our hotel early evening. Once we got into North Carolina we were ambushed by all of the Harris Teeters and also noticed Lowe's were all over the place and only saw one little Home Depot. Joel ran into one of the hundreds of Harris Teeters and grabbed some books on houses in the area to research. After all of that driving we decided to call it a night.

Day 2

The search was on! We left for breakfast at the Ihop next to the hotel with home books in tow. Joel's mom told me the night manager was from Utica NY and he said there were tons of New Yorkers that were living in the Charlotte area, how nice for me! At Ihop we found that our waitress was also from upstate New York, the Buffalo area. In fact, her brother even went to my college for a year. Small world.

After filling our bellies we drove around the very expensive Lake Norman to tease James (Joel's dad) with waterfront houses. We also got to see where Joel would be working/racecity USA!! We checked out a few houses, the first one was super nice but a little too expensive for our tastes. Meanwhile Avery had a blowout, luckily mommy took some great advice from baby sites and packed an outfit for Avery and a shirt for me too. Phew! It was supposed to rain all day, but we got lucky, or so we thought. As the day got hotter, into the upper 90's, we drove to several areas in the Charlotte, Huntersville areas of North Carolina, we saw a few houses we liked but nothing that was to die for. Then we had dinner at Ihop just in case they missed us.

Day 3 (last day)

This was a sad day because this was the day that Avery, Joel's parents and I would return to Virgina, without Joel. Joel and his boss had discussed him starting work, so he stayed and we came back home, but not before we made another trip to Ihop for breakfast. I guess it was just convenient, that or they've decided to start putting cocaine in their meals.

The trip was pretty good, Avery slept, ate, got her diaper changed and also talked to Grandma and I a little too. We stopped at Grandma and Grandad's for a little bit and then headed to VBS where Avery and I saw some people we knew from their church and met even more.

In all Avery did a great job with being in the car most of the time, but it was great to be at home. Now we have to get ready for our move which is just around the corner on July 6th!!! Hopefully we will find a nice place to live.


Laura said...

This is all very exciting. Where is Joel living as of right now?

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