I'll Give You $1.50

We held our first ever yard sale yesterday and today. We figured since we are moving it would be a good time to get rid of some extra stuff that has just been moving with us every time we venture to a new home. I went through some boxes and bins and found some good sale items and also put up a couple of signs in the neighborhood.

Yesterday Joel's parents came up from Fredericksburg with the cute little red truck, filled with tables, a clothes rack and some sale items to help out with our yard sale. We started at a quarter after 8 in the morning just as the sun was starting to shine on the lawn. We had quite a few people come through, one lady even tried to purchase Mary's calculator that was for the sale but not for sale. It was funny. It started to get hot so we wrapped it up around 2:00 pm.

Joel finally made it home from North Carolina that night. Yippee!! Avery and I missed him so much and it was great to have my best friend back. So when he got home we relaxed a little. I had him put up a few more signs.

Little did we know we'd only get a couple of customers that next day. The front yard was too sunny so we mainly stayed inside anyway.

All in all the sale went well, we got rid of a few things, but maybe we'll have another sale next year when we can have an actual "Garage" Sale.


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