Bullock Family Reunion/ 4th of July

Today we enjoyed some time with the Bullock side of Joel's family. Avery wore her Princess outfit because Aunt Paige had been calling her Princess the whole time. Joel and I dressed up a little too, even thought it was a little muggy out. Everyone showed up a little later than expected. People began to show up around 3:00 pm.

We had some great food that Joel's mom and Aunt had worked long and hard in the kitchen for. There were a lot of familiar family faces and we even met some family members that we had never met. Even more important, and the main reason we wanted to attend this get-together before moving is that everyone could meet Avery and Avery could see some of her family.

Of course after everyone sanitized their hands, they held Avery, she seemed to be great with them. Of course she kept looking around to see where Joel and I were. That whole weekend she did a great job and even played on her playmat talking to her ladybug and other friends.

It was great to see family one last time before the next "reunion" for Thanksgiving. By then Avery will be a big girl!


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