Where does this go?

So our movers showed up today, they are supposed to pack us up today and then move everything out tomorrow. They have this massive truck and want to pack and ship everything out today, so we agreed. That may have been an extreme decision, but at least everything is getting done in one day.

We had most everything labeled either for the apartment or garage, but not everything. Most of our three level townhouse belongings were going into the garage of the apartment. We didn't really know how big the garage would be but we were hoping everything would fit. As the movers asked us where things were going and we said garage to almost everything we started to get a little worried. I called the site just in case to make sure they had extra garages.

Surprisingly, we didnt have to move the truck that often. While Joel had lunch with the movers Avery and I went to go to run errands. When we came back a lot more of the packing had been done but not everything.

Joel was a little stressed out and we both agreed to some extent that having movers was just as stressful as not having them and moving ourselves. Though it would have been hard with the baby anyway. So Joel sent me down to his parents while he finished with the movers. I did not get lost and Avery and I had to stop once because she was hungry, so not a bad trip.

Joel finally made it down to his parents after the movers had finished around 8:00 pm. Now we were homeless, but luckily we had planned to stay with his parents for a few days.


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