In the dating scene again

I know you're probably confused by the title of this blog entry, but it's not what it appears. Avery and I have been on quite a few dates together with some nice mommies and their beautiful babies. If you haven't checked out definitely take advantage of it for your area. There are so many groups to be a part of.
So far, with this new group we've gone to two get togethers, and it's really nice because there are so many opportunities on the calendar. The funny thing is that the last time we hung out there were 5 baby girls around 5/6 months. It's nice because Avery can check other babies out and hopefully soon play with them and I can talk about being new to Charlotte, being a new mom, and get advice on sooo many things.
Now that I am not working I crave adult interaction, that was the majority of my job with Windsor. Plus it'd be nice to get a few good girl friends in the area and it definitely helps that they are mommies. No offense to my friends without kids, but it's just so different when you have them.
So needless to say we are settling into our new home and surrounding area and hopefully making some good friends, which is good for everyone. PS We do still miss our other friends too, especially the ones who haven't visited yet.


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