1 For the 20s!

Joel is now celebrating the last year in his 20s, wow!! It seems like it's gone so fast. For Joel's birthday he wanted a trip to the West Coast because as most of you know, he is a huge coaster freak. He doesn't get to ride coasters out that way, so this was the perfect gift for him this year. He flew out very early Thursday morning and had the opportunity to go to three different theme parks, yes in one day! I told you he's a freak. You can probably read more about it on his blog at thecoastercritic.com

For his actual birthday he got some great cards from family and gifts of cash, (for his trip,) and even a shirt too. His parents were coming down to drop off a new (to us) dining room table so it was perfect timing for them to spend time with their "baby." For dinner, I prepared one of Joel's favorites (and a specialty of mine,) rosemary garlic pot roast with redskin mashed potatoes (some veggies too, but those aren't Joel's favorites.) We sat down and talked a bunch about Joel's birth and Joel as a kid. It was neat to hear, especially since we have a child of our own now.

Joel got to beat his dad in some Wii bowling and baseball, boy are those two competitive with each other :) And of course it was nice for Avery to see Grandmom and Grand-dad which she now calls "Papa," because it's easier to say. She had to take some time to warm up to them but loved giving high fives, getting pushed around in her pink car and showing them her belly button, (she's fascinated with her belly button lately.)

For dessert I made an angel food cake since Joel's not huge on sweets. Luckily, he really liked it, but it was too sweet for Daddison (Joel's dad's new nickname.) Avery even got some very belated birthday gifts from one of the Bullock's family friends. So it was a good weekend for everyone.

Thanks, on Joel's behalf for all the love, cards, and gifts. We have great family and are very lucky to have you all.


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