Bumps+Discoveries=Big Girl

Avery got her first real "boo-boo" today. We were walking into the restaurant to have a Sunday lunch and Avery really enjoys walking when she can, so I put her down so she could walk in and...boom. There she went on the pavement. Joel and I both rushed over of course. I swooped her up in my arms and only got a few seconds of crying, from her (not me :).) I looked at her hands and knees and didn't see a whole lot of damage, just a scrapped knee. The crazy this is that we haven't really seen Avery bleed, except for the one time I got her cutting her fingernails. So it was a little crazy for us.

Avery didn't really care for the band aid and loves saying, "boo-boo," and pointing at it. The only problem is she presses on it and then it hurts her again. We're working on that.

We have a little Pantry Bandit we like to call Avery. Whenever she notices the pantry door open she bolts. I'm not sure if it's the bright packaging or just the prospect of something new, but it's one of her favorite spots in the house.

Speaking of favorite spots, Avery also loves "hiding" under the new-to-us-table we got from Joel's Aunt. Thanks Aunt Paige.

My favorites out of her silly spots is under the entertainment center. Typically she'll clear out all of the books and scootch her little bottom all the way in. She gets so silly when she's in this spot. I think it must have some sort of crazy energy boost aura, maybe I should even try it out sometime.

All in all Avery is becoming such the discoverer and possibly a little bit of a tom boy, with no help from mommy.


Laura said...

Aves, sorry about your boo-boo!

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