Avery v. 1.5

Today Avery turns a year and a half! Wow, has time flown by! Check out Avery's 6 month blog post to see how far she's come in a year!

In response to that post, she is a pretty good eater, she loves, "buck, buck," which is chicken. She knows how to say chicken, but I guess buck buck is more fun. She also loves fruit and veggies, her favorites are mandarin oranges, green apples, peas, and green beans. So far we've gotten pretty lucky with her eating habits.

Avery had her 18 month check up yesterday and we found out she now weighs 27.9 lbs/75-90th percentile and is 34 inches long and in the 95-97th percentile, (the Dr. says this is a good indicator that she will be above average in height, yippee!!!) Her hair is very long when it's being combed but because it's so curly it mainly frames her face. I can't wait until I can do the cute little coco puffs (pigtails for curly hair.) Her hair is a little less manageable in the back where the curls are tighter and the hair is coarser, so I really look forward to seeing what her hair will be like as she gets older.

Chatting and climbing are two of Avery's favorite things these days. She loves trying to say words after we say them no matter what they are. Some of her favorites are: owl, octopus, butterfly, paci and bunny. We've found Avery can climb just about anything she sets her mind to, she's been on the dining room chairs and even better on the table!! She also loves climbing on the couches. Luckily she hasn't thought to try to climb out of her crib, knock on wood!

We're so lucky to have such a smart, healthy girl and thank God every day for her.


Amy Clary said...

You have a gorgeous little girl. I love that last picture. :) She's so pretty.

The Coaster Critic said...
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