Wow, I can't believe we're almost in the home stretch with this pregnancy. Today I have 100 more days until my due date. Of course baby will come before then by scheduled c-section, but since we don't know that date we'll stick to my due date.

My mom's group did an amazing photo shoot, with my amazing photog friend Barbara, it's something we try to do annually, Glamour Shots. A few of us mommas got together and had a blast, here are a few shots from the shoot, and me enjoying being just the right size.

and my personal fav....

We are amazed at how God is making this little one grow and how already we see so many differences in this pregnancy than with Avery.

She's so ready to be a big sister!


Mrs. Guthrie said...

The pics are GREAT!! You look terrific, Jenn!! :)

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