Short and Stout

Being pregnant is not an easy task, being pregnant while chasing after, loving on, and entertaining another child is even harder, but I think for me one of the hardest things about being pregnant is being short.

Pregnancy takes a big toll on my petite body, especially my back and hips, and I think that is why God would never bless me with multiple babies at the same time. Luckily, Avery was pretty average at 7lbs 3ounces and I'm guessing Miss Colbie may be around 7lbs 9ounces or so.

But even with the difficulty sleeping, eating, bending, heartburn, entire body aching I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy because it will be our last pregnancy. My favorite part though *enter sarcasm* are the lovely people, even other moms who just don't understand the old saying, "If you don't have something nice to say....don't say it at all."

Yes I know I'm short, yes I know I'm pregnant, no I'm not having twins, triplets.

After leaving a restaurant with Avery the other day an older woman said to me, "I hope you're close to home!" I didn't really get what she meant but assumed she meant close to the end of my pregnancy (and now realize she meant in case I deliver.) But anyway I continued to say nope, 4 more weeks for me. She said, "Wow!" and I said, "That's how I feel!"

Even when I was pregnant with Avery I got the, "Are you due yet's." You would think that moms would know better but even some of them make their remarks. Surprisingly, I only gain about 30-35lbs with my pregnancies, but being only 4' 10" really every ounce makes you look humongo! So I just deal and turn the other cheek and hopefully when Colbie is born people will start saying, "Wow you look good," and "did you just have a baby???," even if they don't really mean it. :)


Mrs. Guthrie said...

Aw!! :( People are stupid sometimes and don't always think before they speak. :/ Personally, I think you look terrific and I have this ridiculous urge to rub your baby bump. Crazy, I know, since I was so sick of people invading my space to do the same thing to me when I was pregnant. :) You look terrific, Jen... Forget those old nosy moms (or whoever). They obviously don't remember all the times the exact same thing was said to them. ;)

Aimee said...

AMEN to this first comment! People definitely say some very idiotic things. It blows my mind what will come out of people's mouths... I have to wonder what must go through their mind. One of my friends told me the other day that if anyone ever says something to her about "looking REALLY pregnant" or looking big, she'll say, "Well, so do you. How far along are you?" Let's see how they like THAT one. :) And you look FANTASTIC, by the way! You are such a beautiful momma-to-be. So excited for you guys to meet Colbie this Friday!

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