Easter Fun

It seems like each Easter we not only get a visit from the Easter Bunny himself, but also family. This year we were able to enjoy the company of Joel's mom and dad. This was their first opportunity to meet little baby Colbie. With Joel's dad being a teacher they had to wait until his spring break to visit. Boy did we have a great time with them!

I was still recovering from my c-section when they had arrived so they were a lot of help. Joel's mom made us some great meals and helped with cleaning and small chores around the house. That's right I actually let someone help me around the house, I guess I must have been in pain :) Seriously, it was a huge relief not to worry about all of that and just focus on getting better and hanging out with the girls and Joel and his parents. Avery loved having both of her grandparents here, we only get to see them so often since they are in Virginia.

Joel's dad was able to help us out in the lawn care department with a "new to us," lawnmower. Which Avery LOVED and called her mowercycle. Here are a few pictures of her and daddy riding it.

We also had to make some fence adjustments, luckily Joel's dad is a shop teacher and has so many great skills on hand. Colbie also loved his singing talents as he sang her to sleep.

One of the ladies in our mom's group sent Aves a little baggy filled with Easter goodies, check this fun bunny mask out. She looked A-dorable!

Since Colbie was only a little over a week old we decided we didn't want to take her out in public quite yet because we're germphobes and she was so small, but we wanted to get the girls dressed up anyway. I know I'm partial but I think they're beautiful!

Joel hid some plastic eggs in the backyard and Joel, Grandmom, and Avery had a great time looking for all of the multi-colored eggs. We also had a couple of small baskets for the girls, this Easter was pretty low-key though because our new little miss was with us. Most importantly we enjoyed celebrating the fact that Jesus rose from the grave, what an amazing God we have!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Blessings!!


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