Sissy, Sistah, Sisters

Avery is absolutely in love with Colbie and it melts my heart. She is so gentle with her little sister and is always wanting to touch, kiss, and hold her. Avery says Colbie is very delicate and even says (to Colbie,) "it's okay sweetheart." Sooooo sweet, I can't even stand it! Here are a few pictures of the sisters:

Avery meeting Colbie for the first time.

Aves and Colbie both asleep in the car

The girls on Easter morning

I never had a sister so close in age, so it'll be neat to see these two grow up together. I hope that they are best friends, although I'm sure there will be some arguing in the future. We love both of our beautiful girls and are so blessed and can't wait to see them grow together. 


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