Growing Growing Gone

Little Miss Colbie is only 3 weeks old and already growing so much! I guess when they're this small every little bit makes a BIG difference, literally! She's been doing a wonderful job with sleep and eating. So far she's on a wonderful schedule and has been a pretty easy baby. She really only cries when she's hungry.

Colbie has made her jump from newborn diapers to size 1, a milestone that I don't really think I was ready for and since our next doctor's appointment isn't until May we have no exact clue what she'll weigh, maybe we should have a poll. I am noticing that she's growing from delicate and fragile to sturdy and getting the beginnings of sweet baby rolls on her legs and wrist. I love chubby babies and I really feel like this little peanut will be roly poly in no time.

Not only have the size of Colbie's diapers changed, but she's even starting to outgrow clothes, which is odd because it seems like just the other day she was swimming in those same outfits. Ah well I guess that means now we can get rid of them, how weird to not have to hold onto it "just in case" we have another girl. 

She's doing an okay job of sleeping, although she likes to stay awake until midnight some nights, when mommy just wants to go to bed at 9. Colbie is loving her swing, not as much as Avery, but she enjoys watching the bird and bugs spin around and checking herself out in the mirror. 

We're not sure if Colbie will be a "Paci-girl" (like the pacifier) or not so we offer it when she's crying/wants to sleep but she's not dependent on it, at least not yet. Until next update :) Take care!! Love the Bullocks, all 4 of us :)


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