Weight Just a Minute

Yes I meant to spell weight and not wait, as you read this post you'll find out more.....

The day before we were discharged from the hospital the pediatrician and lactation consultant noticed Colbie had lost 9% of her body weight. At 10% or more loss they keep babies in, so luckily we were able to go home with a few stipulations. 

We were told to nurse like normal and then supplement with formula. The problem was that we had a very sleepy little miss. I'm not sure if it is just her nature or the medication that I was taking or a combination, but I had a very hard time keeping her awake to eat anything for longer than 7 minutes total, (it's optimal to get at least 15 minutes on each side.) So we rarely got the formula in her but we tried. 

Another stipulation was that we were to take her to the doctors office that following day, Monday, for a weight check up. I was nervous, wanting her to gain so tried everything from undressing her to tickling her feet and everything the lactation consultant and pediatrician suggested.

When we arrived the new nurse greeted us and Joel took Colbie out to get weighed. The nurse told us Colbie was 6 lbs 12 oz (keep in mind she was 6 lbs 7 oz on discharge from the hospital.) Now I know nothing about how much newborn babies are supposed to gain or lose or whatnot so I was hoping that this gain was enough of a gain. As we talked to our doctor (who I absolutely LOVE,) he seemed a little concerned with her weight still and suggested that we make a tentative appointment with a lactation consultant in case there was something going on with nursing that might be hindering her from getting milk. He also wanted us to come into the office on Wednesday again to check her weight. 

So here we go again....me doing everything to get this little girl to gain as much as possible. I felt like she was gaining a good amount so I was hoping when we went to the office on Wednesday that things were fine. I was even more nervous as we went into the room. Again, Joel took Colbie out to get weighed while I kept Aves company, then Avery had to go to the bathroom, so I stayed with Colbie and waited for the doctor. Joel had said before he left that she was weighing in at 7 lbs even. I was nervous that this may not have been enough of a weight gain and started to worry. I'm such a worrier.

I thought about it more and knew that I was a good mom regardless of what happened and I tried my hardest and I prayed to God that I would just have a peace about whatever the doctor was going to say. Right then the doctor came in with a very puzzled look. He said he couldn't understand what was going on with Colbie's weight and all I heard was that it wasn't enough (although that's totally not what he was saying.) Then, he mentioned that he had never seen a baby gain so much in just two days, (again, I was confused) and he said, "to drop down to 6 lbs 7 oz then drop down again to 6 lbs 2 oz and then gain up to 7 lbs in just a week makes me worried."

That was my aha moment, I said, "6 pounds TWO? ounces?????? The nurse told us 6 pounds TWELVE ounces." Just then, Joel and Avery walked in and without prompting I asked him if he remembered how much Colbie weighed at our last weigh in and he said, "6 lbs 11 or 12 oz." Hooray!!!! I wasn't losing my mind and our doctor wasn't seeing a health anomaly.  On that note he reported that Colbie was doing just fine. After I asked half-jokingly half-seriously if we could have a refund on our co-pay he let us know that we could skip the 2 week check up and come back next month. 

All I have to say is Praise God, what a relief to know that my little girl was healthy and that I was doing a good job nursing her and giving her what she needed to grow. :)


Farmgirl said...

Oh, I understand the weight woes! Both of my boys had significant weight loss in the first weeks, and my oldest lost so much he became dehydrated and listless until we switched pediatricians and got him on formula supplementation. This time around, nursing is going fine and baby is a roly-poly. Praise God for the healthy little girl and peace of mind!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Glad she is doing well!! :) The pic is so apropos! :) She's beautiful!

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